Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Baby Supplies (1)

On the corner of SongXin Rd and SongLong Rd ([2] on the map) on the first floor –on the ground floor there is a Matsusei supermarket- there is a great baby pharmacy that stocks everything from baby formula to child-proofing material. From the Agora Garden, it takes five minutes by taxi and fifteen minutes on foot to get to the pharmacy. I went there often during our three-week stay and three out of four times I found helpful English speaking staff who taught me how to use a Japanese-made digital thermometer, found the right teats for the bottles I had brought from home (Avent with 1 drop holes as opposed to the 3 drops I needed for my child) and helped me with the door stoppers and padded corners I needed to childproof our hotel room. They also helped me find pacifiers (dummies) that are not exactly the same as the ones that CSS uses but are similar enough for our son to accept (CSS uses dummies that do not have a “cherry” or bubble at the end; theirs have a straight shape that is not common in Australia and that I found difficult to find in Taipei too; when I did find a few brands that seemed acceptable I spent A$90 stocking up for the months ahead and I am glad I did).

Pharmacy Street

Pharmacy entrance

Business card with address in Chinese and phone number

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